2016 Election for President

Thanks for your opinion!



    1. There’s a tab on your Dashboard that says “Feedback.” Hover over that and click on “Polls.” Put in the title, questions and pick your design. Then save the poll (green button on the right) and click the button under the title that says “Embed Poll in New Post.” It’ll take you to the new post page, and there you go!!


    1. At this point these are our only three choices, since Donald Trump has effectively gotten rid of all republican competition. I would rather Rand Paul, but he dropped out several months ago. Anyone who can vote should vote for Donald Trump even if they don’t like him, because every vote he gets makes it harder for Hillary to get in. Ask this question: “Would I rather Trump or Hillary?” (assuming Hillary is the democrat nominee) You will get either Trump or one of the democrats, and if you choose not to vote because you don’t like any of them, it just makes it easier for the worst of the two evils to slide right into the White House.

      God Bless,



      1. Thanks for your opinion, Butch! I agree. Even though I personally like and admire Mr. Trump, I can understand your point of view. I totally agree with your sentiments.



      2. There are other parties then the Republican and Democrat parties, such as is the Libertarian party. I don’t really like any of their candidates that much but the are a lot better then Hillary, Trump, or Sanders. Austin Petersen, Gary Johnson, and John McAfee are the main ones in the Libertarian party but there are others.

        Austin Petersen thinks he is great because he is the youngest candidate in all the parties to he thinks people will like him more because of that. My mom calls him the Trump of the Libertarian party.

        John McAfee is one word, creepy. I don’t know it just a felling I get. He seems so, well, creepy.

        Gary Johnson was governor of New Mexico.

        No one can be perfect I’m not sure who I like yet.

        If you want for information I think that this guy really interesting and has a lot of good op ions. http://www.jasonstapleton.com/ My mom listen to him every day. I find if quite interesting.

        To be honest Trump might just be worse then Hillary. Hillary might be bad and even terrible (I would never want her as president trust me) but Trump is worse not a lot worse but still worse.


        1. It’s true that there are other parties and other candidates, but the parties, although known, are not “major”. In my poll, I mention the three major candidates. I do not monitor any of the other candidates of minor parties, and so I do not mention them because I know nothing about them. Thanks for your opinion!


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  1. One thing I forgot to add: I’m not part of the Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or any other party. I just think we should vote for the person we like, not for who ever is the nominee in the party that we are registered in. To be honest that seems kind of stupid. If you like Trump vote for him, if you like Sanders vote for him, if you like Hillary vote for her, If you don’t like anyone not even a little bit then don’t vote. Hillary in my opinion isn’t the worst, Trump is.

    Sorry if I offended any one. all of this was just what I believe. πŸ™‚


    1. I’m not either. I totally agree. We should vote for the person most qualified to be president, regardless of what party he/she belongs to. For me, that man is Mr. Trump. But I respect, your views, Kalia. Please, feel free to say what you believe in!


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      1. He’s not. It’s disgraceful that people can actually like Bernie Sanders (Crazy Bernie). And Hillary Clinton (Crooked Hillary) should be in jail right now. She is absolutely the worst. She’s got all the issues wrong, and she’s not even likable. Donald Trump is the absolute best pick.



      2. Someone who is legitimately trying to save America is not worse then a communist. I don’t believe Trump is “legitimately” trying to save America. So he can be worse then a communist. I don’t like Sanders but I wouldn’t go as far to say that he is a communist.


        1. Well, he doesn’t label himself as such, but socialism is basically a watered-down version of communism. Electing Bernie Sanders or Crooked Hillary Clinton is the worst thing America could possibly do. Go Trump!



        2. Sorry, could you please rephrase your statement – I cant understand it.
          Your whole statement is wrong about trump being worse than a communist.
          Do you even understand what a communist is? A communist is someone who takes away all of your liberties – like North Korea. Look up some things that North Korea doesn’t allow you to do and you will see.
          Trump has nothing to gain – he is leaving his company behind in order to fix the country. There is nothing wrong with what he is doing. He is for the freemarket (which throughout history has prevailed as the best system of economy), he wants to secure our borders (according to Ronald Reagan, β€œA nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.”), he wants to uphold the law, and ultimately, fulfill all of what a president is supposed to do.
          Sanders?? He is half an inch away from becoming a communist and Hillary? Well, she just needs the president’s seat to manifest her power.

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          1. I didn’t say that Trump was worse than a communist I said that he can be. That doesn’t mean he is. I do understand what a communist is and Sanders isn’t one. I never said that what Trump is doing is wrong. Everyone born in America has the right to run for president. So he was born in America he can run for president. There is nothing wrong with that. But how can you trust what he says when one day he is Pro life and the next he is Pro Choice on abortion? If he changes his mind every week then how do you know that he will follow though on the wall on the border, or on free market, or anything he says. Changing his mind is fine, but how can you trust that he will do what he says what he is going to do if/when he becomes president?

            You’re right about Hillary she is a narcissist and wants power. (And so does Trump.)

            I don’t like Sander but I would never go as far as to say he is communist.


          2. Trump changed his mind on abortion over many years. He used to be pro-choice until he saw some videos that changed his mind. He said that in one of his speeches. He is pro-life. You have to read a person. Some people, like Hillary Clinton, are downright liars. Some, like Trump, are downright honest. As a “politician” he is the same as he is at home. He will build the wall. And Mexico is going to pay for it. A normal person (like him) feels extreme guilt when they go back on their word. He has said (and I believe him) that he won’t let us down. He is going to be the best president America has ever had.



          3. You can’t make a statements and not prove them with substantial evidence –
            How can Trump become a communist?
            Sanders and Hillary are not communists simply because there are checks and balances (and we have guns!) – if we were to give them all power, they would become socialists because of there presupposition on the human heart. The reason socialism exists is because socialists think that every human is naturally good. But, with all there ‘laws’ for the ‘greater good’ they soon become communists; only one small step away.

            You got it all wrong – Trump is no long pro-choice; rather, he is pro-life. He changed his position on that matter.
            And what is wrong with changing positions? I am sure that you once changed positions on something (even believing in Christ), yet do we question your trustworthiness on that?

            Trump is not afraid to say what he believes, that is how you can tell he is telling the truth.

            Why does everybody hate him, even amongst christians? “Because he is rude and hardheaded and disrespectful and I don’t think America’s leader should be like that.”
            He is pigheaded towards the liberal media and the so called ‘republican’ establishment. He knows what they really are like because he has dealt with them. He understands that the free market (as we can see through history) is the only system of economics that works! Even economists in the Soviet Union knew that. He understands that a country, as Ronald Reagan said (his idol), without borders is not a country.
            My mom has read his books and can tell you that he truly loves america and truly wants to fix it.

            He already has power, money, fame, wealth.
            It is not about him, rather, as he said, his grandchildren and us, the people, who have to live under the current events thrown upon us by our weak leader’s actions.

            To say that you will not vote for Trump, a strong-headed man with a good foundation, is to show your flawed way of thinking.

            He is the ONLY chance we have of preserving america.
            Think about it – do you actually understand the turmoil that is occurring in the United States and in the world?
            Do you actually understand our Economic crisis that is going to be 10 times worse than the great depression.
            Do you understand that the immigrants pouring in will not only destabilize our country but ABSOLUTELY destroy it with *their* way of thinking?
            Why do you think they like america (I am not saying that you approve of illegal immigrants btw)?
            Because they already ruined theirs with their way of thinking.


          4. Kaden, that is amazing! You stated the case clearly. That is how I see it, and how many Americans see it. Donald Trump is the only one who can save America. We are heading in a direction from which there is no return. We will never recover if Donald Trump does not become president. And the refugees and the immigrants are the worst things that could possibly happen to America. Think of all the terrorists that can infiltrate the system! We have to stop it! Donald Trump is the only one who can create strong borders and Make America Great Again! As Kaden so glibly quoted, a country without borders in no longer a country.


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